Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act entitles anybody to ask a public authority in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, including government departments, for any recorded information that they keep.


Asking for Information

It is preferable that you make your request in writing by letter or email to the address below.


Declining a Request

We will provide the information unless there is a good reason for not doing so. This, for example could be if your request relates to the personal details of another person. If we decline the request, we will set out why. We can be asked to reconsider our decision. If the request is still declined there is a right to apply directly to the Information Commissioners Office for a decision.


The Cost of Providing the Information

A lot of information may be supplied free of charge. However, sometimes we may have to charge a fee, either to cover administration costs, or to pay photocopying or postage costs, or because of the expense involved in finding and supplying the information.

Requests should be made either by by post to The Practice Manager, Chirk Surgery, Castle Health Centre, Colliery Road, Chirk, LL14 5DH or by email


Information to be published

How the information can be obtained


Class 1 - Who we are and what we do

  • Doctors in the practice:
  • Partner - Dr E Thompson
  • Partner - Dr N Prigg
  • Partner - Dr S Wadsworth
  • Partner - Dr J Burrows
  • Partner - Dr S Crabtree
  • Partner - Dr S Chaudhury
  • Partner - Dr J Ali
  • Partner - Dr C Harris



Contact details for the practice

Chirk Surgery

  • Tel: 01691 772434


Opening hours

Chirk Surgery (not Bank Holidays)

Each weekday

  • Door open 08:30 to 18:00
  • Phones 08:00 to 18:30

Out of Hours BCUHB OOH



Other staffing details

Practice Manager

  • Darron Kelly
  • Further details are available on request from the Practice Manager or website


Class 2 - What we spend and how we spend it

(Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit)

Total cost to the LHB of our contracted services.

Please contact the Practice Manager


Audit of NHS income

Please contact the Practice Manager


Class 3 - What our priorities are and how we are doing

(Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews)

Plans for the development and provision of NHS services

Please contact the Practice Manager


Class 4 - How we make decisions

(Decision making processes and records of decisions)

Records of decisions made in the practice affecting the provision of NHS services

Please contact the Practice Manager

See Charges

Class 5 - Our policies and procedures

(Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities)

Policies and procedures about the Employment of staff

Please contact the Practice Manager

See Charges

Internal instructions to staff and policies relating to the delivery of services

Ask for details concerning the Protocol Book when contacting the Practice Manager

See charges

Equality and diversity policy

Please contact the Practice Manager

See charges

Health and safety policy

Please contact the Practice Manager

See Charges

Complaints procedures (including those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme)

Please contact the Practice Manager

See Charges

Records management policies (records retention, destruction and archive)

Please contact the Practice Manager

See Charges

Data protection policies

Please contact the Practice Manager


Policies and procedures for Handling Requests for Information

Please contact the Practice Manager


Patients’ charter

Please contact the Practice Manager

Not Held

Data Processing Agreement – Shropshire CCG Referral Assessment Service

Refer to website or contact the Practice Manager


Class 6 – Lists and Registers

Currently maintained lists and registers only

Any publicly available register or list

None available that are not covered elsewhere within this policy


Class 7 – The services we offer

(Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the public)

The services provided under contract to the NHS

See the Practice website


Charges for any of these services

See the practice leaflets available in the surgery

No charge

Information leaflets

Ask at reception for a Practice or Information Leaflet

No Charge

Out of hours arrangements

Weekdays after 6:30pm and before 8:00am, Weekends & Bank Holidays contact

  • BCUHB OOH 111


Charges - Enquirer must be informed about possible charges and pay in advance

For information that can be accessed via the Practice’s Website, Local Health Board website or Trust’s website.



For information derived from the above websites, but where the enquirer does not have internet access and needs a hard copy

For the Practice’s website ONLY, the enquirer should otherwise be directed to each website owner

35p per page plus any postage

Hard copies of any information (not applicable for no charge items)

Please contact the Practice Manager

35p per page plus any postage

Requests for multiple printouts, or for archived copies of documents which are no longer accessible may attract a charge for retrieval, photocopying, postage etc.

Please contact the Practice Manager

Price on request