Mental Health

SilverCloud - free online mental health therapy without needing to go through your GP

The pandemic has taken its toll on all of us, with a growing number of people suffering from anxiety, stress, loneliness and feelings of isolation. Dedicated support has been made available to enable more people to access online mental health therapy courses on their smartphone, tablet or computer without needing to go through their GP.

The roll-out of direct access to online therapy for Wales' entire 16+ population recognises that people need immediate help in managing their mental health and wellbeing as the impact of COVID-19 continues to be felt, and reduces barriers to accessing this support.



NHS Wales - Welsh Language online therapy programme for anxiety

Welsh speakers dealing with anxiety can now access free online help in their preferred language through the NHS. 

NHS Wales offers a range of guided cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programmes for managing mental health and wellbeing.  

Space from Anxiety is the third CBT programme to be translated into Welsh, giving Welsh speakers the choice and freedom to express their feelings, thoughts and emotions in their chosen language.  


Ask your GP for a referral to our Counselling Service

The practice have two trainee counsellors who are undertaking a placement at Chirk Surgery. They are currently studying a Level 4 Diploma qualification in Therapeutic Counselling, and are BACP registered and practice Person-Centred Counselling techniques.

Counselling can help you:

  • deal with feelings of depression or sadness, and have a more positive outlook on life
  • deal with feelings of anxiety, helping you worry less about things
  • cope with work-related stress or redundancy
  • cope with a bereavement or relationship breakdown
  • explore issues such as sexual identity
  • deal with issues preventing you achieving your ambitions
  • understand yourself and your problems better and feel more confident
  • develop a better understanding of other people's points of view

image of a counsellor

Counselling is a type of talking therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a safe and confidential environment. A counsellor is trained to listen with empathy (by putting themselves in your shoes). Counsellors can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings you have.

Counselling appointments are free of charge and, due to Covid-19 restrictions are held by telephone, video link or by Zoom . Each session will be 50 minutes on weekly basis.

If you would like further information, please contact the surgery (by phone) and ask for a GP to refer you to the service.


This practice is certified Veteran Friendly

Veterans NHS Wales

As veterans you are entitled to priority access to NHS hospital care for any condition, as long as it's related to your service. When leaving or having left the armed forces, you will have been given a summary of your medical records, which you will need to give to your new NHS GP.

As Veterans, we encourage you to tell your new GP about your veteran status in order to benefit from priority treatment if needed.

The primary aim of Veterans’ NHS Wales is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of veterans with a service related mental health problem.The secondary aim is to achieve this through the development of sustainable, accessible and effective services that meet the needs of veterans with mental health and wellbeing difficulties who live in Wales.


Any veteran living in Wales who has served at least one day with the British Military as either a regular service member or as a reservist who has a service related psychological injury.


Veterans (Self referral) and Professionals (who work with veterans) who live in Wales are able to refer directly to their individual local health board by completing the on-line submission form on the Veterans NHS wensite.

Veterans and Professionals wishing to self-refer by paper copy should contact the practice to obtain a Referral Form and post to their relevant Local Health Board.

Learn more about the Veterans' NHS Wales Service


National Advisory and Liaison Service (NALS)

NALS is a free and confidential support service for individuals and families of all ages living in Wales who have been affected by suicide.

Our specially trained team provides a safe and empathetic space to talk and be heard, helping people navigate the complex emotions that arise following a suicide.

Whether the loss occurred days, weeks, months, or even years ago, we are here to provide support.

The service is accessible via phone, in person, or video call and can assist with:

  • Emotional support and guidance
  • Practical matters like inquests, financial issues, or liaising with police
  • Supporting others affected by the loss
  • Organising funerals

We also support those indirectly affected, including friends, colleagues, neighbours, or witnesses.

For further information, please visit the NALS website.

You can also call our freephone number 0800 0487 742.

This service is commissioned by the Welsh Government and facilitated by the Jac Lewis Foundation.


NHS Wales’ digital mental health service

NHS Wales’ digital mental health service has launched a new mini-guide outlining support designed specifically for students.

More information about the service can be found here.

For more information, please visit the Powys Teaching Health Board website.